Adventure Tag

Articles with tag adventure.
Vargen Crown is June’s ZX81 Program
“Jealous of Vargen’s accomplishments, a rival kingdom has attacked and kidnapped your king. As head Knight, you mount a quest to return the King, hidden somewhere in the forest by his captors. But hurry! The King's ransom has a time limit…
Posted Jun 27, 2016 by Steven 9 min read

January’s Program: Star Probe
Wow, 2016 and I'm still digging programs out of my stack of print outs. Kicking off the new year, I'm grabbing a story based program. I wrote Star Probe, our program of the month, in the style of a Chose Your Own Adventure book—and yes, I actually owned most of them…
Posted Jan 26, 2016 by Steven 5 min read

June's Program: Monster Maker
Okay I haven’t finished my remake of Joust yet, nor did I want to wait until the last week of the month to get an article out. Instead, I offer you Monster Maker as June’s monthly program. It’s pretty straight forward and anti-climatic against the power of today’s programs…
Posted Jun 08, 2014 by Steven 3 min read